And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end will be saved. Matthew 24.12,13.
We seem to be living in a strange world. The fast pace of iniquities embedded in our so-called civilization is alarming. The world system is spiraling out of control at a neck-breaking speed, heading for a free and hard fall. They asked Jesus what will be the signs of the end of the age. One of the signs He gave is this. This is a warning from Jesus to believers because unbelievers don’t have any love for the Lord in the first place (if they did, they would be believers!).
The Bible has forewarned us with the knowledge that the last days will be difficult, dangerous, and violent. With each passing day, a new story emerges that reminds us of just how unsafe and unstable our world is as we stand in the shadows of the end of the age. In fact, we seem to have heard such stories so often that the shock value does not register as high as it once did. However, to think such stories no longer have an impact on our lives would be false.
Iniquities will abound
“And Jesus answered them, “See that no one leads you astray. Matthew 24.4.
The statement that iniquities will abound simply means lawlessness will increase. There will be no check or restraint on the moral compass of the people. Everyone will be doing what they consider right in their own eyes.
Today, in the name of human rights, everyone can do whatever they deem right and comfortable with. Some people do not want any label in the name of anything, including gender identity or adjectives. We have people who do not identify as male or female but are gender fluid.
Parents are losing their right to exercise control over their children or guide them in the right and safe direction. Children’s human rights have been placed above parents’ right to control.
The church can no longer speak or stand as a body. Conflicting messages and contradictory teachings are coming from the pulpits. The church is losing its right to give moral direction to the world. So sad!
The love of many shall grow cold
”But I have this against you, that you have abandoned the love you had at first.” Revelation 2.4.
If you notice your love for God has grown cold. Then you must go back to where you first met Him and seek Him again like you did before you had heard so much and seen so much; before the pressures of life had worn you down. You may be busy doing God’s work, yet your love for the Lord is near zero.
Oswald Chambers warned that we should, ‘Beware of anything that competes with loyalty to Jesus Christ. The greatest competitor of devotion to Jesus is service for Him.’ ’
There are times when you may run out of steam. That’s the time to refuel and refill your tank. It is dangerous to run on empty. You just can’t go far on empty.
When you get discouraged, you will either go back to the One who can save, keep, and satisfy, or you will go back to whatever was going on in your life before you met Him. That’s not a good move! John records in Revelation how Jesus spoke strongly to the church at Ephesus. The church was not idle or dry. On the contrary, they were very busy working for the Lord. Their calendar was full. People in their neighbourhood would have looked at them and called them an ideal church. Not only were they busy for the Lord. They took a strong stand against heresy. They were well grounded in the word and Jesus commended them for all these. However, over time, their activities increased but their fervency for Jesus started going down, replaced by activities. Jesus is warning us too about our waning love.
May you wake up today and go back to your first love and see zeal for Jesus. The days of pursuing God in prayer and word study. The days of pursuing souls to have fruits for the Lord.